Sunday, November 21, 2010

Yiruma's Love Hurts Videos!^^

Here's the piano tutorial I'm using to learn Love Hurts, along with the original performed by Yriuma I've promised, LOL:D

*Please purchase the CD or find somewhere to buy this track online, if that's all that you want. I've only posted this video here to give you a rough listen. Honestly, if I were able to find a way to get and upload the official sample piece here, I would. *sighs* If you like the song, GO GET IT! SUPPORT YIRUMA! LOL=D No but seriously...don't rip him off^^

Think I've been listening to the original way too much. Kept trying to play it the way it was recorded, the spots where it was soft, the accented notes and all...with no success, of course. Even so, I just can't seem to allow myself to play the song any other'd just seem like I'm not doing the song justice, argh...

My ability, or lack of ability is really getting in the

Also, I've seen quite a few videos of pianist playing this song at home. Most of them sound really mechanical and some seem to go too fast. There are only one or two I've seen that expressed the emotions in the song well. Man, I wish I xould do that in my video for this song.

The sad thing is, so many viewers praised those mechanical performances of the song. I mean, it's great they are able to master it well enough to play it through without mistakes, but it all just didn't seem "awesome-worthy":(

Having said that, I'm pretty sure mine won't be either. *sighs*


  1. Hello Ken,

    Nice to see you found your interest. Will keep following so keep updating. Heh heh, and you can prob teach me how to play the piano too! I'm spurred to learn now.

  2. Hey! Whoa, haven't spoken to you in ages...we have some serious catching up to do on FB or something:)

    And thanks for comment on my post! I've never received comments on any of my short-lived blogs:D Thanks for reading and following this blog too! I'll be uploading a video of my playing Love Hurts hopefully in 2 weeks or sooner...zzzz - practice practice lotsa practice.

    Oh, cool! Aahahah! Let me know if you ever get a keyboard or piano:D Would be happy to teach you what little I know!LOL...Speaking of which, have you seen my Piano Theory page here? I haven't added too much lately but will add more info soon, especially now that I know someone's reading it;)

    Talk soon!
